引用本文:钟汉枢, 甘永成.玻璃窑炉燃烧过程自寻最优控制[J].控制理论与应用,1989,6(3):86~91.[点击复制]
Zhong Hanshu, Gan Yongcheng.Optimalizing Control of the Burning Process for the End-fired Oil-burning Glass Furnace[J].Control Theory and Technology,1989,6(3):86~91.[点击复制]
Optimalizing Control of the Burning Process for the End-fired Oil-burning Glass Furnace
摘要点击 876  全文点击 404  投稿时间:1988-08-29  修订日期:1989-03-24
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中文关键词  玻璃窑炉  燃烧过程  自寻最优点控制  节能
英文关键词  Glass furnace  Burning process  Optimalizing control  Economization in energy utilization
钟汉枢, 甘永成 华南理工大学自动化系 
      Based on the microcomputer control of major process parameters, such as the furnace temperature, the oil flow, the combustion air flow and the ratio between them, a stepwise optimalizing control algorithm was introduced. By adjusting the ratio between the combustion air flow and the oil flow, the combustion air flow was searched automatically and was kept about its optimal value in operation. The optimal control of the burning process was obtained.